

(Pork & Tofu dumpling)



1 container Firm Aloha Tofu 

½ pound ground pork 

12 shumai wrappers           

½ egg, beaten

3 tablespoons green onions (white portion of the stalk), finely chopped

3 tablespoons potato starch 

1 teaspoon soy sauce         

1 teaspoon sugar

1 teaspoon sesame oil 

salt to taste

Cooking Directions

1.  Cut tofu into 12 equal portions, scoop out the middle of each piece with a spoon and create a pocket.

2.  In a bowl, combine all the tofu that you scooped out of each piece, ground pork, soy sauce, sugar,  salt, sesame oil and egg, and mix well by hand until soft and sticky.

3.  Coat finely chopped green onions with potato starch and mix well with the tofu and pork mixture.  

4.  Lightly coat the tofu craters with potato starch (the portion not included in the ingredients above).  Scoop the tofu and pork mixture into the pockets of 12 tofu pieces and shape the top.

5.  Immerse each shumai wrapper in water, quickly remove from water, and then place it on the meat-filled tofu piece.

6.  Line a steamer with a cloth and place shumai pieces.  Steam 15 minutes over high heat.

Quick Tip

Serve with vinegar soy sauce, karashi (Japanese mustard), or chili oil.  Addition of crumbled crabmeat to the filling will make it a gorgeous dish.


Aburage, Mizuna, Pork Nabe


Tofu Poke